Confirmation Year 2
The Confirmation classes are Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm.
There is snack halfway through the two hours.
Requirements for the candidates of confirmation
Baptismal certificate
You can request for a copy of the baptismal certificate at the church where your child was baptized.
16 hours of community service
We will let you know when you can come to do community service. Community Service hours that are done at another parish do not count here. Candidates can ask for help from their family or friends to complete the hours.
Letter to the Archbishop
The candidates will write a letter to the Archbishop requesting the Sacrament this will be done during the class on wednesday.
The candidates must attend the Pascua Juvenil during Holy Week
Be the appropriate age
The candidates must be at least 15 before May or be in the ninth grade
There is a $60.00 donation that we used for material and snack. This does not include Pascua Juvenil or the Pascua Juvenil shirt.
Requirements to be a sponsor
Every confirmation Candidate needs someone to look up to, someone who can guide him/her through the hardships and beautiful experiences of life, and not just life but someone who guides the candidate through the process of receiving the sacrament of confirmation. this special someone is known as a sponsor
The Sponsors must:
Be at least 16 years old
Have all the sacraments (baptism, First Holy Communion, & Confirmation)
Be married through the church or not be living with someone
Once these requirements are meet. the sponsor must ask for a permission letter at the church where he/she is registered. and turn in the permission letter at the San Jose Parishes office
Most important requirement
The Confirmation Candidate has got to want to recieve the sacrement. Our lord and savior does force us to accept him into our lives.